So this is happening.

Hello, world! I am so excited to start my very own blog and I’m more than excited to have you here with me to experience it.

You may be wondering, “Who is this cute person in the picture? Is this you?” Welp, it definitely isn’t me. I wish I was her. I wish I was on a remote island somewhere, relaxing comfortably (though the comfort of that branch is debatable) while reading Jane Eyre in my Brittany Spear’s inspired uniform. I wish I could be oblivious to the world around me without a care, drifting off into an exquisite reverie.

If I’m being honest, I would most likely be worrying about the plethora of insects carousing on that branch or the piranhas lurking in the brackish waters below me. I’d be swatting at mosquitoes, trying my hardest to keep from flashing passerby while trying to balance on that knobby, ultra thin tree limb.

Having said all that, it is a picture that represents me well. An avid reader. One with nature (ok, so I exaggerate a bit). A solitude-loving reader/writer who loves to contemplate life and, most oftentimes, is lost in her own little make-believe world. A woman who loves to laugh, loves to create and above all, loves God.

Will you join me on this adventure? I’ll share the good and the bad, the ugly and beautiful, the embarrassing and wonderful moments of life. I’ll share ideas and thoughts and Scripture and maybe even a little bit of fiction. If you’re lucky.

Come on, it’ll be fun. We can escape to that exquisite reverie together. Or at least laugh while trying to get there.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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